The pedestrian bridges at Dellwood Park and Helen Molasy Park were identified for replacement during our Bi-annual Citywide Bridge Condition Assessment, and they are budgeted for replacement in 2024-25 and 2026 respectively. A bridge inspection was performed on all structures after the recent flood events in Mississauga and structural issues were found at this site resulting in bridges closure for further investigation.
To minimize the closure period, we will carry out temporary repairs to reopen for pedestrian traffic until the bridge can be replaced. Design for the temporary repairs is underway and the installation will be completed as soon as possible.
Staff are fast-tracking the bridge reconstruction which includes design and approvals with the Conservation Authority to contract for the bridge fabrication & replacement in 2025. To avoid this issue in the future, the new bridges will be galvanized steel structures with a longer lifespan, instead of existing weathering steel structures which are under-performing as expected.
Staff has received the reinforcement designs back for the temporary repairs. Materials have been ordered and the reinforcement work is expected to be completed by mid-January, at which time the bridges will be reopened to the public.
Closure signs with alternative route (as attached) are posted on site.
The bridge is important to the community and the trail system. We are working to minimize the disruption and inconvenience caused by the necessary replacement and apologize for the inconvenience of the emergency closure. Safety is our priority.