The regulation of cannabis retail outlets is significant to many people on both sides of this issue. On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, Council made the overwhelming decision to pass resolution 0103-2023 to lift the prohibition on cannabis retail stores and permit them to locate and operate in the City of Mississauga.
I have continuously voted to opt-out as I still have grave concerns with allowing retail cannabis locations in the city. The only framework that the province has put in place for municipalities is that the stores cannot be within 150 metres of a school or learning facility. It does not give any framework to indicate how many could be clustered in any particular area of the city.
As cannabis is legal, it should be available for consumption in a safe and responsible manner by adults wishing to use the product. This issue is not about the product; it’s about having control of where and how these outlets will be positioned in the community.
To learn more about cannabis retail in Mississauga, please visit:
Stephen Dasko
Councillor Ward 1