Councillor Dasko’s Statement Regarding Fourplexes

Three units “as of right” has already been mandated across the Province of Ontario recently. Planning staff are coming back with work on this, including garage conversions, laneway suites and additional units. Also, there is already a report coming back by staff regarding four units and four plexes in the first quarter of 2024.

The motion that did pass on October 18th, 2023, asked for having four units “as of right” go to the Mayor’s Housing Panel, have the staff report come back, and community consultation to take place to make an informed decision. There is no timeline for the one time $120 million funding announcement, which is also not to be delivered all at once, and should not be used to make a rushed decision affecting the entire City.

Currently there are 80,000 units and “As of Right” (no zoning changes need to be made) units available across the city that have been approved by Council, accounting for approximately 244,000 people to be housed. At this time there is no sunset clause or time limit to have a developer pull a permit to build any of these units. I would like to share one example of many to highlight this situation. In Ward 1 there are 400 units that were approved on a piece of property on Cawthra Road 31 years ago, with no permit to date ever filed to be built.  This is the issue that needs to be addressed. How to get shovels in the ground faster.

Doing our homework for good long term decisions have been at the forefront in Mississauga, ensuring employment, transit, and infrastructure are all in place.

The City also has a Housing Panel the Mayor formed of an array of industry experts and stakeholders.

I do not take the housing crisis and affordability issues lightly and as you can see Ward 1 has been and will continue to be active to provide shelter, employment, and is also building over 145 acres of Waterfront Parkland and Conservation Area to ensure we are planning for a Community and City that is second to none.

In addition it has always been my priority to ensure my community is consulted and residents have an opportunity to share feedback on any public policy decision being taken. My position has been consistent with this and I do not apologize for ensuring that this principle is respected.