NOTICE OF STUDY COMPLETION – Claredale Road to Beechwood Pumping Station

By March 10, 2021Issues, Resources, Ward 1


The Study:
The Region of Peel has identified the need to replace the siphon under Cooksville Creek, which will involve redirecting wastewater flows from the Claredale Road area to the Beechwood Pumping Station. The preferred solution includes construction of a new sewer which connects to existing maintenance hole south of the C.N. Rail Tracks and crosses under Cooksville Creek, discharging into Beechwood Pumping Station. Figure A-1 shows the area that may be directly impacted by the proposed construction.

The Claredale Road to Beechwood Pumping Station project is being planned under Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. Subject to comments received as a result of this Notice, and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Region of Peel intends to proceed with the design and construction of this project.

Project materials and other information are available at

Contact: To provide comments or request additional information about this project, please contact:

Lyle LeDrew

Project Manager, Water & Wastewater

905-791-7800 ext. 7836

For concerns that involve the prevention, mitigation or remediation of adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights, a Part II order request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. Part II order requests on other grounds will not be considered.

Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for additional conditions or a request for an individual/comprehensive environmental assessment), how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy those potential adverse impacts, and any information in support of the statements in the request. Requests should also include the requester contact information. This will ensure that the Ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request.

Requests must be sent by March 31, 2021. Requests should be sent in writing or by email to both:

Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 2J3

Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor
Toronto ON, M4V 1P5