Update on QEW/Dixie Interchange

June 2019

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is undertaking improvements of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) from east of Dixie Road to The East Mall. The Construction Contractor is Toronto Zenith (TZ) and the Construction Contract Administrator, working on behalf of the MTO is GHD Limited. The project commenced in September of 2018, and is anticipated to reach completion in November of 2021. The total construction value of the assignment is $57,467,000.00.

Work in 2019 will include the following:

  • Partial replacement of the QEW Bridge over Etobicoke Creek;
  • QEW Median reconstruction between The West Mall and The East Mall;
  • Localized QEW widening to the north between The West Mall and Dixie Road; and
  • Peel Region Sanitary Sewer and Watermain upgrades on Brentano Boulevard.

To-date, all of the above activities have commenced, and upgrades to the Peel Region Sanitary Sewer are nearly complete. The QEW widening work to the north, scheduled to be complete this season, in 2019, includes construction of a series of Retaining Walls and Noise Walls behind the residents backing onto the QEW off of Brentano Boulevard.

Questions regarding construction may be directed to Mr. Graham Sled, P.Eng., Contract Administrator, GHD Limited, at 2018-2001@ghd.com.

I always encourage, should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly
