In March 2023, Regional Council approved the discontinuation of exemption periods as of the beginning of the next collection contract combined with better promotion of the bulky item collection program and overall waste reduction efforts. This decision aligns with Peel’s target of achieving 75 per cent waste diversion by 2034.
It was suggested by staff that eliminating exemption periods, combined with better promotion of Peel’s bulky item collection program will result in operational efficiencies and fewer late and missed collections.
Councillor Dasko introduced a resolution at Regional Council related to Resolution 2023-216 from the March 23, 2023 Regional Council meeting, as it relates to Clause 2.a that reads “Elimination of Exemption Periods for curbside residents and the removal of Exemption Periods from By-law 35-2015”, be amended to delete the subject section. The Resolution passed, therefore Exemption Periods will continue when the new contract is in effect.