Dundas Flood Mitigation Project
- The lands south of Little Etobicoke Creek
surrounding Dixie Road, referred to as “Dixie-
Dundas” for this project, are subject to flooding as
a result of spilling from the creek during high flow
conditions. This urban area consists of a variety of
commercial, industrial, residential, and park land
uses. - The study area of this Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class
Environmental Assessment (EA) has been broken up
into the “Dixie Area” and the “Dundas Area” for
identifying flood mitigation solutions.
- The City of Mississauga has an interest to protect
flood-vulnerable residences and businesses as well as
to intensify Dixie-Dundas area to fulfill the vision of
growth expressed in the Dundas Connects Master Plan.
In consultation with the public and agencies, the alternative solutions for both the “Dixie Area” and the “Dundas Area” have been evaluated to identify preferred design concepts for each.
“Dundas Area” preferred design:
- Floodplain widening
- 25 m – channel crossing bridge at Dundas Street
- Sanitary sewer relocation
- Floodproofing earthen berm at 1607 Dundas Street
“Dixie Area” preferred design:
- Floodplain widening with lowered creek invert
- 50 m – channel crossing bridge at Dixie Road
- Sanitary sewer relocations
An Environmental Study Report is now available for public review and comment for 30 days on the City’s website:
Interested persons may provide written comments to our project team by April 30, 2024. All comments are requested to be sent directly to the Project Managers listed below. Previous study information, including the Public Information Centres and the study area expansion bulletin, is available on the above webpage.
Anthony Di Giandomenico, P.Eng.
Project Manager
City of Mississauga
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C9
(905) 615-3200, ext. 3491
Amanda McKay, P.Eng., PMP
Consultant Project Manager
Matrix Solutions Inc.
3001-6865 Century Avenue
Mississauga, ON L5N 7K2
(289) 323-3780